R26 Patch: 06th March 2017
This page details the content that has been released in the patch named in the title above, if you were looking for the content from a different Sprint, or Union Cloud Release, please take a look at the Version History page to see all Sprints and Releases.
Deleted Vol Orgs
Issue where Volunteering Organisations which had been deleted ZenDesk for an SU continued to receive volunteering emails.
- This issue has been resolved.
Search Box Issue
Issue with the way Volunteering Searches Opportunities, when searching for an opportunity, the search field also takes into account the description of the organisation, so for example if 'St Johns Ambulance' listed the words First Aid in their organisation description, and then had 20 opportunities but 16 of these were clerical or administrative, all 20 opportunities would be returned if a user searched the words First Aid because it is in the organisation Description.
- This issue has been resolved.
My Details - NUS Connect
When a user first signs up to connect they need to set up their user roles, however once set these can only be amended by customer services, and when viewing User Account Details, these appear as disabled, these have since been removed.
- This issue has been resolved.
Connect User Account Details Update
In light of a number of CS Requests where an admin us unable to decifer which union a registration has come from, SU is now listed on User Account Details page.
- This issue has been resolved.
Minor uncategorised fix