R25 Patch: 24th October 2016
This page details the content that has been released in the patch named in the title above, if you were looking for the content from a different Sprint, or Union Cloud Release, please take a look at the Version History page to see all Sprints and Releases.
Sustainability NUS Site was constantly shifting users over to a https URL, despite not being registered with a certificate, and no intention to run over https, because of this, users were getting an insecure site error when changing between pages, as the certificate (unioncloud.org) didn't match the sustainability domain.
- This issue has been resolved.
Identifying Group Status
User informed us that it was hard to separate previous group memberships from current ones as it was impossible to see the current status of a Group on the Group Membership Report. As such we have now added an extra column indicating the current status of a Group. (Approved, New, Deactivated etc.)
- This issue has been resolved.
ZD6866, 6326
Extra URL Parameters
Issue has arisen while fixing a styling problem on a portion of UnionCloud sites using a particular template which is intended to change the navigation highlight colour when in certain sections. On system pages however the coloring wouldn't apply as system pages use default styling, to fix this some URL Parameters noting the location within site had been added, for example. '?parent_link=societies-menu-wrapper' meaning the system pages were able to update styling accordingly. This was published across all UnionCloud sites. This however has now been reverted for all sites, not using a the particular theme.
- This issue has been resolved.
Minor uncategorised fix
Account Merge Issue
Issue existed when a User Account Merge happens, between two accounts, secondary account details are copied to primary user, secondary account is then flagged as 'deleted' email address related to secondary account can then no longer be used for registrations or updates to accounts, owing to Unique identity checks on Email ID.
To rectify this we now update all non-retained accounts like below, meaning details can be reused;
- Email addresses of the non retained account(secondary account in merge) as merged-<<timestamp>>-<<email_address>>
(e.g. merged-20161024092016-john.smith@union.ac.uk). - Univ_id of the non retained account(secondary account in merge) as merged-<<timestamp>>-<<univ_id>>
(e.g. merged-20161024092016-S13485). - Library card of the non retained account(secondary account in merge) as merged-<<timestamp>>-<<library card>>
(e.g. merged-20161024092016-S1785).