Patch: 29th January 2018

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This page details the content that has been released in the patch named in the title above, if you were looking for the content from a different Sprint, or Union Cloud Release, please take a look at the Version History page to see all Sprints and Releases.


Elastic Search Issue

We had some issues presented with Elastic Search, with certain permutations of words not returning results.

  • This issue has been resolved.


Bigger Ideas

As per a request we have increased the maximum submission size on Student Voice Ideas/Petitions from 5,000 characters, to 10,000 characters.

  • This issue has been resolved.


Duplicate Election Options

Duplicate / Repeat an Election

As an Administrator, you now have the option of navigating to your Past elections tab, and selecting one of the previous elections, hovering over the Cog and selecting the Duplicate this Election icon, as seen in the screenshot. At which point you will be given options for setting new Dates for your Election, and Nominations, along with giving it a new name.

This will create a new Draft copy of the Election, mirroring all of the Categories, Positions, Standings, User Groups, and Standings you used previously, it has simply removed all of the Candidates ready for you to start fresh, this is particularly helpful if you run elections annually with hundreds of positions, as it negates the requirements to set them all up from scratch.

  • This was an enhancement.


Election Users Count

Updating Eligible voters count to correctly reflect users who are no longer in an Eligible usergroup for voting, but were in an eligible usergroup at the time their vote was cast.

  • This issue has been resolved.


Elections Dashboard Improvement

Updating Eligible voters count to correctly reflect users who are no longer in an Eligible usergroup for voting, but were in an eligible usergroup at the time their vote was cast.
Improve performance on queries and background jobs
Trigger indexing related emails only if number of records are more

  • This was an enhancement.


Validation Message

Validation message now displayed on trying to purchase group membership, noting the required mandatory group membership if one is required.

  • This issue has been resolved.


Past/Present Elections

Draft Elections are now included in the 'Present' elections tab, even if their data has passed, as this election was never put live the date can still be changed.

  • This issue has been resolved


Draft Election Visibility

When a Draft election is deleted, it is now removed from both tabs Past / Current.

  • This was an enhancement.

DE2015 / US2928

Date Validation

Any characters other than numbers are now not validated, after the date

  • This issue has been resolved.


Membership Type Visibility

In Event ticket types while adding 'Mandatory related membership type' group association is not shown only 'Membership type' name is shown.

  • This issue has been resolved.


Minor uncategorised fix

Fixed page break on group committee standing nomination page