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Due to the depth that each of these sections can cover, and the fact that some of these have sub-pages even further still, we will use this screen only to provide a summary of what each one is for, and by clicking the heading you will be taken to a page with content specific to each setup item.

Setup - Groups

Setup - Groups Settings.

This section contains all of the Settings for Groups within UnionCloud, it includes but is not limited to;

  • Updated Group Types
  • Updating Group Categories
  • Setting Global Membership Expiry Dates
  • Toggling visibility of Deactivated groups

For the full page on Group Settings, click here.


Setup Registration Screen

As an administrator you can use this section to set a number of options related to users registration on your UnionCloud site.

  • Accepted Emails
  • University ID Setup
  • Registration and Access
  • Library Card Regex
  • Support Details

For the full page on Registration Settings, click here.


Setup Questionnaire Screen

As an administrator you can use this section to configure the questions you ask students at the point of registration, many unions will use this section to set up demographic surveys, or to gather extra information about students which they can use to target them.

For the full page on Questionnaire Settings, click here.


Setup Events Screen

As an administrator you can use this section to configure Global Settings related to Events on UnionCloud, such as the default max number of tickets a user can purchase.
It's broken down into two sections;

  • Events
  • Event Types

For the full page on Event Settings, click here.


Setup Emails Screen

As an administrator you can will use this section to configure the Email Address' to be used by UnionCloud.
These are broken down into to distinct categories;

  • Sender Emails - Email addresses you wish to send Campaigns / Automated emails from
  • Receiver Emails - Email addresses you wish to have automated messages sent to when certain triggers occur.

You can have more than one of each of these, and they can be set for different aspects, for example you could set up a new Sender as which solely sent emails to users who had registering in an election, confirming they had submitted a Nomination.

For the full page on Email Settings, click here.

Messages and Emails

Setup Messages and Emails screen

As an administrator you can will use this section to configure three types of content.
Firstly you can use it to configure many of the default warnings, information, notifications and help text boxes around the UnionCloud site, so that they are both relevant to your Users, but also written in a tone that matches your Union style.
Secondly you can use it to configure the text of a number of the system generated emails sent out by UnionCloud, such as Group / Ticket Purchase Confirmations, Election Notifications etc. Finally, you can also utilize this section to configure which social media plugin you wish to use across the platform, by default we setup AddThis for you.

For the full page on Messages and Emails, click here.


The Setup - Advertisements Screen

An administrator can use this section to assign preset spaces on the Articles, and Articles Index pages to display 'Advertisemnts', there are three spaces available, with two different sets of dimensions. These are HTML Spaces, and as such aren't limited to displaying static images. Equally they don't just have to be advertisements, whatever you put in the space can link through to other relevant or timely content.

For the full page on Advertisements, click here.


The Developers screen

An administrator can use this section to set new Developers, some of our more advanced users, particularly if you have the skills to do some development work in house will need to use this section when they want to give apps / third parties access to UnionCloud API's on their site.

For the full page on Profile Updates, click here.

Profile Updates

The Profile Updates screen

An administrator can use this section to set which elements of a profile users are allowed to update or not.

For the full page on Profile Updates, click here.



Nominal Code

Job Shop

Social Media

Admin/Setup/Social media

This section allows you to apply social media plug-in’s to your website, you can select the relevant plug-in either Twitter or Facebook or you can have both which then will require you to log-in to your social media profile and this will allow you to link your social media to the website. This would automatically update your social media saving you time having to post information or messages out to your audience.


RSS Feeds


For a later release.



This section allows you to create permission sets which then can be assigned to the user groups. This gives you control over who you would like to have access to areas on the platform. For example, you can create a permission set for group administrators giving them access to only the backend of their club/society page to manage and run their group. When creating a new permission set there are three types which are the following:

New Union permission set- This option gives accesses to everything on the dashboard, this is usually assigned to staff.

New Group permission set- This option gives access to the group page of the dashboard, so group admins can manage their club/society.

New Event permission set- This option gives access to managing the events side of things where you can assign a permission set to a user/ admin to update upcoming events.

Once you have selected a type you will see a number of checkboxes allowing you to select what you want users to have access to in that permission type.

click here for more on Permission set's


Setting Restriction for Single or Multiple programme memberships

Multiple Programme Management

Previously a user was by default able to store multiple programme memberships, UnionCloud was designed this way to cater to Universities where students Study Joint Honors and are added to multiple programme codes, and also to cater to colleges where a user is likely to have multiple different courses. An outcome of this was that if an institution sent an updated Student upload file, which included a new Course, say for example a student has changed course, it doesn't instinctively remove the user from the previous course. If an institution wished to end a users programme membership, they needed to update to expire it.
This caused problems as not all institutions sent data to expire users. As a solution we have added an option to Setup which allows Unions to restrict program membership to one program per user, meaning if this option is selected and a user is uploaded with a new programme membership, it will auto expire their previous one and replace it with this one. It can be found at

You can find this page on your own site at url: <yoursite>/administrator/unions/programmes_configuration

Or Dashboard >> Admin >> Setup >> Programmes