Patch: 26th December 2017

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This page details the content that has been released in the patch named in the title above, if you were looking for the content from a different Sprint, or Union Cloud Release, please take a look at the Version History page to see all Sprints and Releases.

ZD8613 / US2916

Copying election is updated with a new message, and the cog for options of copying an election have been removed until the current copy has been completed.

Reducing Copy Election Time

Issue related to the time it takes to copy an election result for modification / disqualification, it was noted that in cases of elections with large numbers of standings (some of which had 800+), or elections where there were in excess of (8,000+) voters. The copy time was taking notably longer than 10-15 minutes. This led to frustration, and occasionally users attempting to make multiple copies as they assume it wasn't working, which only made the problem worse.

Technical modifications;

  • Disable version table entries while copying election.
  • Disable sending email (notify to index user) while usergroup added into standing.
  • Disable copy election for a particular election if already one is in the process for that election.
  • Re-prioritized copy election job queue up the list.

User will no longer be able to create a new copy of an election, until a previous copy is finished, there is a new message asking the user to try refreshing the page, and we have increased the job priority of copying elections.

  • This issue has been resolved.


Minor uncategorised fix