R23 Patch: 09th November 2015

From UnionCloud Support
Revision as of 11:03, 9 November 2015 by Ash (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page details the content that has been released in the patch named in the title above, if you were looking for the content from a different Sprint, or Union Cloud Release...")
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This page details the content that has been released in the patch named in the title above, if you were looking for the content from a different Sprint, or Union Cloud Release, please take a look at the Version History page to see all Sprints and Releases.


Event Booking Counts

The ticket #4550 mentioned was already in a closed state in ZD, however a secondary issue related to ticket count display was noticed, and this has since been fixed and released also.


Minor uncategorised fix

LJMU Update
Liverpool John Moore University Union has had an update to their theme applied.