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Blackadder: [to Baldrick] This is a crisis. A large crisis. In fact, if you've got a moment, it's a twelve storey crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24 hour porterage and an enormous sign on the roof, saying 'This Is a Large Crisis'.

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clip in extensions Baldies don get a free pass. The next logical conclusion is NOT to shave your entire body and eyebrows. If you show up entirely hairless, not only is it obvious that you are trying desperately to hide your usage, you going to fail anyway. Episode "Fairway, My Lovely," also co written by Jane Espenson, the character Guy Helverson owns a business named Doublemeat Enterprise.This episode marks the beginning of Buffy's employment at Doublemeat Palace, a place which will remain a fixture for the rest of the season.Buffy mentions this is not the first time she worked as a waitress, having previously worked in a diner in Los Angeles when she ran away from home in "Anne".Buffy making a scene and clearing patrons' tables of their food is reminiscent of how Xander handled rat poison being put in the Sunnydale Highschools lunches in "Earshot". Both episodes were written by Jane Esponson.Technically this is not the first appearance of Halfrek, but it is the first time she appears undisguised, as a vengeance demon. Cecily, Spike's pre vampire love interest in "Fool for Love", was actually Halfrek, at least according to the comic Spike: Old Times and the episode "Older and Far Away" where Halfrek recognizes Spike as William, and Spike has an unspoken recognition.Taken together with "Provider" (aired a week earlier), this explores both Buffy and Angel dealing with the suddenly critical issue of money.In a recurring motif throughout the season, the friendship between Buffy and Willow is hampered by circumstances preventing them from confiding in each other. clip in extensions

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