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A close shave is a basic first step to dressing, since stubble will ruin a lady for the night's looks. This is followed by a think application of full coverage foundation to even out skin tone [source: Logo TV]. Drag queens typically wear exaggerated amounts of cosmetics to shape and soften masculine jaw lines and musculature and emphasize their larger than life personas; accessories like false eyelashes and wigs help complete their above the neck look.

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Lace Wigs I agree with PP that it more of a uniform issue than a breastfeeding issue. As a child of a military parent, my first questions about the picture are: Where are their hats? (I believe across the board they are supposed to have their hats on when in uniform and outside) Having the shirts unbottoned while outside like that is definately a no no. I sure I could come up with more.. Lace Wigs

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