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Have been described as having a "naive schoolgirl sound" that contrasted with the sexual themes of many of their songs. Several of their hits used strings and baio style music. They have been credited with launching the girl group genre, with much of their music reflecting the genre's essence.

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I Tip extensions During this period, the Piet commissioned several liturgical works. The most important were two oratorios. Moyses Deus Pharaonis, (RV 643) is now lost. Her last UK hit for some time was "Heart of Stone" in late 1982. In 1983 another single "Main Attraction" was released. It failed to chart but did become a moderate airplay hit.[22] She commented in an article for Kerrang! in 1983, after playing a successful show at Reading Festival on August 27, that she did not care about being in the charts, but was more interested releasing what she wanted to; commenting that she started in 1964, and did not become famous for nine years "I would never accept having my career moulded by other people I've kept working consistently even though I've not been in the charts." Around this time Quatro recorded a new album that was shelved until 1997, when it was released under Unreleased Emotion Quatro briefly returned to recording for two more singles "I Go Wild" in 1984 and in 1985, her "Tonight I Could Fall in Love"/"Good Girl (Looking for a Bad Time)" single reached No. I Tip extensions

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