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I hope you are trying to enjoy the spring sun despite anything on your way family duties, exams, exhaustion, not so springy weather and so on. After all, it won be long until we complain about heat So,I hope you are trying to enjoy the spring sun despite anything on your way family duties, exams, exhaustion, not so springy weather and so on. After all, it won be long until we complain about heat So, before you will be caught up with your chores again, spare a minute for another hot topic I would like to share with you.

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strap on I hope you are trying to enjoy the spring sun despite anything on your way family duties, exams, exhaustion, not so springy weather and so on. After all, it won be long until we complain about heat So, before you will be caught up with your chores again, spare a minute for another hot topic I would like to share with you. And you with me!. You will never be as cool as anyone written and drawn by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie. But you can approximate that level of cool by reading The Wicked + The Divine, their color drenched, pop addled, gender bent tale of a group of kids who've been taken over by deities and granted supernatural power and appeal with one major drawback: Within two years, they'll all be dead. But until then, they can enchant crowds, perform miracles and save lives. strap on

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