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In July 2014, Courtney Act became the first drag performer in history to sing live with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. Act appeared as a guest performer with Cheyenne Jackson in "Hello, Gorgeous! Cheyenne Jackson Goes to the Movies". The two sang a duet of "Elephant Love Song" from the 2001 Baz Luhrmann film Moulin Rouge.[12].

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U Tip Extensions Dunk her mane into the water then set her down and brush her til its cold, do it another couple times, then on the last time while its still quite warm, begin brushing it around her own neck like a scalf. Brush it right around and hold it in place and grab one of your rags and wrap it around over the top securing it in place with elastic bands. Do the same for the tail!. U Tip Extensions

clip in extensions I got my purse stolen from my boyfriends car (I recognize that's my fault), canceled my debit card as soon as we found out, was able to track where the thieves went to use it, went to the place which was a Best Buy across the street, the employees and even manager knew exactly who the thieves were and said they most likely would have them on camera but they weren't allowed to give us the video, they were only allowed to give it to the police. My boyfriend got his work laptop stolen as well. We called the police that took our case and gave him all this information of where to get the video. clip in extensions

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