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Modesty: Modesty is a commonly cited purpose for dressing. The idea of modesty in different cultures is very different. While Muslims prefer to adopt modest fashion, people belonging to other religion may not find it very important but whether a person is Muslim, Christian or Hindu, every religion preaches modesty.

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360 lace wigs He dwells too much on the subject of military fripperies, in my opinion, and his argument becomes kind of lost. Furthermore, much of his work is focused on the long peace between Waterloo and Balaclava (to paraphrase another significant name in the field of the 19th century British military studies). Thus, its not terribly relevant to study of the British army in the American Revolution.A far better book on the subject of British uniforms in the American revolution is Hew Strachan British Military Uniforms, 1768 1797. 360 lace wigs

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