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The lesch used to be more common in western Tirna, but now western Tirna is mostly human. The lesch main live in the southwestern part of the continent and on some neighboring islands. They adaptable physically (being the only species to have mastered the magic of shapeshifting), but they not so adaptable mentally..

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I Tip extensions Anything else you think we should know? I was a mod here before, I wasn able to keep up with the required mod actions because of college, the semester got really busy, thus why my mod actions have dropped in all subreddits I mod, but my breaks are coming up on the 19th, till September. The removal kind of hit me hard because I really like this subreddit. But I guess I deserved it.[M] [score hidden] submitted 6 days ago. I Tip extensions

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I Tip extensions There's a YouTube video that separated JBs drum section of this song and broke it down methodically. Blew my wig back and gave me a new perspective of a song and music I've listened to 1000s of times. After all these years I still can hear their songs a different way each time because of that video.. I Tip extensions

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