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Have I mentioned lately that not having cable TV is the greatest? We did when my kids were young, and I felt just like charlagayle above. These days though, it Netflix and Youtube for our house. The latter has some commercials, but it nothing like the hype on the kid targeted networks..

clip in extensions Notes: This was the pilot episode for The Brady Bunch, filmed in late 1968. This is the only episode where Christopher Knight is credited as "Chris Knight". It is Fluffy's only appearance in the series. I'm saving up as much as I can aka no eating out, no shopping, no nothing that isn't 1000% necessary like food and yknow washing stuff also I'm going out of state for my surgery, the surgery (breast augmentation) I'm having is insanely overpriced in my state (NY) so much so it's cheaper for me to buy flights to my home town (NM) for both my bf and I to go get it done. He's not paying for anything. The whole thing is going to cost me about 6k everything included. clip in extensions

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tape in extensions Ultimately, the girlie show emerged as a form in its own right. Mainstream minstrelsy continued to emphasize its propriety, but traditional troupes adopted some of these elements in the guise of the female impersonator. A well played wench character became critical to success in the postwar period.[53] tape in extensions.