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She produces a sample product in various mixes and sends to local manufacturers. Since the manufacturer currently makes Natural Wave (Kinky) and Afro Wave wigs for the other business, making extensions only requires a simple modification of banding hair on a string so it can be cut and placed in various areas of the head unlike wigs which are made using a hair net for full head coverage. A contract is written and the owner of the wig shop is now a producer of a new product natural hair extensions or weaves..

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360 lace wigs The third contestant does not fall, and gets such a good score that the pressure is on for Patty. Unfortunately, disaster seems to strike as her music tape goes haywire in the cassette deck. While Snoopy (who is also running the music for each contestant) frantically tries to fix it and ends up in a fight with the machine on the ice, Patty is starting to sweat as she holds her opening pose longer than she expected, and all the rest of the Peanuts characters in the audience worry that she will be disqualified. 360 lace wigs

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