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wholesale nfl jerseys SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre to manage your:My ProfileA federal report by Parks Canada shows that almost half of the ecosystems in the country's national parks remain in fair to poor condition, five years after a previous report with similar concerns.The report, called State of Canada's Natural and Cultural Heritage Places, was tabled in the House of Commons in mid December.It contains a table rating the condition of forests, freshwater lakes, wetlands and coastal areas in all national parks across the country.The report finds that 29 of the 41 national parks and reserves measured had at least one ecosystem rated as fair or poor. Twelve of the parks or reserves had all of the areas measured rated as good.Banff, Canada's first national park, has its forests, fresh water and tundra all listed as fair, with no sign of improvement.At the same time, the number of visitors reached almost four million in 2015 16, which the report says is higher than previous years.Admission to national parks like Banff is free in 2017 to mark Canada's 150th year, drawing more visitors at a time when the ecological systems of many parks are being challenged. (CBC)The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society does its own assessment of federal parks every year.It reviewed the chart in Parks Canada's report and said it showed 46 per cent of park ecosystems are in fair to poor condition wholesale nfl jerseys.