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So, for a long time, these have been the people keeping the FGC alive through events, and they worked very hard for credibility by limiting the amount of thuggery that can happen at their events.So these guys always expected that when the FGC turned E sports, it would be the professional presentation and credibility they built that would lead the way, because they all worked very hard to show that the FGC is more than the thuggery, drama, sexism, and trolls on reddit.With E league though, the aspects of the community the FGC Illuminati have strayed away from are being presented front and center, and it makes them uncomfortable since this is a representation of the community they worked for.There obviously a line right, where the FGC can still be itself without something controversial happening. I think they just afraid of where that line is.So I don think it right to turn on the Cannons, who have held this community up for so long, just over one disagreement on an event.E league came and is doing E sports in a way I really enjoy and the FGC illuminati just have to live with the fact that maybe the type of "E Sports" they comfortable with, aren the type of "E Sports" the overall community wants.While making money my man, while making money. Evo gets worse every year while their bottom line gets better, none of us should feel an ounce of debt to them.Where were their comments about image and acceptability when Kbrad was popping off at Final Round? That shit was covered on every esports site, but its cool cause FR will never be a threat to Evo.Evo has been the showpiece tournament since forever, but all it takes is for someone with the money to throw a well paying invitational tournament on Evo weekend to turn SF at Evo into a side tournament, and they know it.Granted I really fucking cynical and the above paragraph is a reach, but at the same time the way they all came out is a bit too convenient for me.And though Final Round is big, it not something that potentially going on TV, so there not the same level of concern about a pop off or thuggery.I just think they apprehensive, because they not involved with the event and they don know what E league wants from the FGC.I think they want to present it authentically, they may feel E league wants to exploit it.Even if the second is true, if it leads to more events of E Leagues caliber and more opportunities for the players, is it really such a bad thing?I made $1000+ betting on SFV matches online because of E league so you think I be all aboard but I still rather keep the heart and soul of the FGC than sell out the wrong way.So far, everything I seen from E league tells me we selling out the right way.

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