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Do you remember Milli Vanilli?Some people shake their heads and have no clue what I am talking about when I talk about this group. However, if you were a pre teen or teenager in circa 1989/1990 I am sure you will remember them well. All the girls in my sixth grade class used to gather around the juke box at lunch time play the songs by Milli Vanilli and New Kids On The Block.

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tape in extensions Blackface minstrelsy was the first theatrical form that was distinctly American. During the 1830s and 1840s at the height of its popularity, it was at the epicenter of the American music industry. For several decades it provided the means through which American whites viewed black people. tape in extensions

wigs Another friend borrowed like $5 bucks one day and never paid me back after the same talk. We go out to the movies one day and he asks if I would mind buying the tickets and he pay me back. So I flat out said nope we made a deal and reminded him. I not sure why it is but it could be a higher sense of entitlement in people. People don work as hard for things like they used to and everything is a competition. People don treat you as a human here. wigs

hair extensions 56 points submitted 1 day agoI don agree with the "giving the racists more reasons to hate", racists will always find reasons to hate and while Tyra can be held accountable for the things she says and does, she will never be the one whose fault it is when people have racial prejudices. That way, all PoC would have to show perfect behaviour all the time so racists have a harder time to find character flaws to generalize, and thats not their responsibility at all. BUT it is a shitty thing for Tyra to do to take the true and important things The Vixen brought up and use them to defend herself after saying these things about other queens. hair extensions

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Lace Wigs Dumbo is a tear jerker, but luckily they are reunited in the end. A movie that my boyfriend and I watched recently while our son was sleeping was as we know it. It a great movie, but the part where poor little Sophie loses her parents got to me. My nephew has hypoplastic left heart syndrome and went through 3 heart surgeries in his first two years. His outcome was very uncertain at the time as the surgeries were quite new. He is 13 now though and doing better than any of us could have ever hoped. Lace Wigs

human hair wigs "TO THE RED HEADED LEAGUE: On account of the bequest of the late Ezekiah Hopkins, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, U. S. A., there is now another vacancy open which entitles a member of the League to a salary of a week for purely nominal services. They could have rounded it to the nearest "nice" number, possibly pocketing the difference as revenue. Tagging the 3% on the end makes it feel like some tax that they burdened with charging us, when it really just the cost of doing business.con_moto 19 points submitted 2 days agoIn one instance a bar owner made an interesting comment, "We add this to the bill so our patrons know that our employees are taken care of."I wondered if some places add this to the bill to make it obvious how insignificant the cost of paying a "living wage" is. If you were against the minimum wage increase and saw this on your $20 tab, and then realized it only costing you an extra $0.60, would that change your mind? I don really know, but it gives me pause before swearing off restaurants who do this human hair wigs.