Old images loading Cache issue
From UnionCloud Support
Add the below to Global JS. This will force all image files to reload.
It works by adding a parameter in this case the current time to the end of the path. This causes the browser to treat it as new
There maybe a small delay.
function cacheBuster(url) { return url.replace(/\?cacheBuster=\d*/, "") + "?cacheBuster=" + new Date().getTime().toString(); } $("img").each(function() { this.src = cacheBuster(this.src); }); $("*").each(function() { var bg_img = $(this).css("background-image"); if (bg_img !== "none") { var url = /url\((.*)\)/i.exec(bg_img); if (url) { $(this).css("background-image", "url(" + cacheBuster(url[1]) + ")"); } } });