Web Site Manager

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Revision as of 12:50, 4 November 2015 by Ash (talk | contribs) (Other Add Content Options)
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The Website Manager, is the easy to use, easy to navigate Front End site editor. It allows users to edit bits of the website without necessarily having to delve into the Developers Toolkit, make simple edits, write new News Stories, add New Events, New Groups etc.

As you can see to the right once you are logged in to your Union Cloud Website a simple Edit Mode switch will constantly float on the left hand side of your website, you just need to switch it on or off.

Homepage Scroller


This is one of the most commonly edited sections of many Unions, Union Cloud homepages, most unions tend to update the content in this section week to week, and it is used for everything from advertising events and campaigns, to just general information or showing off photos.

The simplest way to picture this, is as a 6 x 2 Grid, it's actually more, as you can have it scroll through multiple boxes, but at any one time, there will be space for 6 boxes on the scroller. a 1x1 box, has a dimension of 148 pixels, by 148 pixels, all other permutations of the squares are multiples of this. It's entirely up to you how you fill and arrange your grid. You could choose simply to display 12 1x1 boxes, or 3 2x2 boxes, or you can mix and match.

Image showing a Homepage Scroller, and all the possible content sizes.

Content Sizes

The New Tab 'Display Type' should be 'Grid'

  • 1x1 148px x 148px
  • 1x2 148px x 296px
  • 2x2 296px x 296px
  • 3x2 444px x 296px
  • 4x2 592px x 296px
  • 5x2 740px x 296px
  • 6x2 888px x 296px

As you can see in the image to the right hand side, the 3x2 image is slightly off the edge of the display, as are the 4x2, 5x2, and the 6x2, which I've illustrated below, if it is set to auto scroll through these will move along one space at a time, until it reaches the end of the images in a particular tab, and moves to the next one. To add more content, simply over over the blue 'Add Image' button, and choose to Add Page, or Add Link.

Adding a Link, you can load in image (PNG / JPG), at one of the relevant sizes above, which will link to another page / module / event / external link should you wish.

Adding a Page, allows you to load HTML Content into a box at the sized outlined above, which allows you to do more creative things, if you have the knowhow you could write HTML / JS to put a countdown timer into a box, or many other objects or elements, though one of the most common ways people use this is to load a GIF, as if you load a GIF as an image, via the 'Add Link' button, it will be static.

Other Add Content Options

Article Widget

Event Widget

Resource Widget