User Groups & Permissions

From UnionCloud Support
Revision as of 15:27, 19 October 2015 by Ash (talk | contribs)
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Sample view of User Groups & Permissions page

The User Groups and permissions screen, is one of the most commonly used screens for Union Administrators. It contains all of the default permission groups created by Union Cloud on your behalf, the groups students are placed into by default. It also stores the sub sections for viewing group (Club & Society) membership groups (Administrators, Current, Alumni etc.), Events group lists, halls group lists, programme names, and their membership counts, demographic groups, and importantly Custom groups


The Union Sub Menu These groups here are some of the most important, and also the groups that users will be placed into automatically upon registration / upload / expiry.

Name Description
Activated Students This group is empty by default, and you can't upload users to it, Confirmed Students, move to this group, after logging in for the first time.
Administrator This is the Default Union Administrator group, who have permissions to manage all website content.
Alumni This group is empty by default, but once a users course date expires, they move out of Confirmed Students, and into Alumni.
Confirmed Students This group is populated by data upload, and is the group of students that you are confirming you know are students, this can then be used for elections etc.
Deleted Students This group is for users that have requested to be removed from the system, it excludes them from all comms, records, reports etc. They remain in this group as
there is still content linked totheir accounts from previous purchases and the like, in case this ever needs reporting on.
Non Students This group is populated by anybody that registers with a non-university email address and can't confirm they are a student.
Staff This is a list to help you differentiate Staff from General users, you can manually upload to this group via CSV, for example to give staff access to more content
than regular site users, i.e. if you have staff sections / documents / hr etc.
Students Waiting for
University Email Access
If you have checked the box indicating registration has to be done via university email address, and a user indicates they don't have access to it pre-arrival, they
will be added to this list, allowing them to register with a personal email address also, and merge their accounts once they have access.
Volunteering Organisations If you have the Volunteering Module included in your package, you will have this option, when new Volunteering Organisations register, to list opportunities, they
a Volunteering Administrator will need to approve them in the Volunteering Dashboard, then they will be added to this group, and be given permissions to manage Volunteering Opportunities.
Volunteering Students Any student who has signed up to the Volunteering module will be added to this group, as it is confirming the group of students who have registered their interest to
volunteer, and listed the areas they are interested in / skills they have.





