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Adding Notes

Note Note: your note goes here!

You can use the note tooltip above by entering the following syntax {{note|your note goes here!}} It's that easy!

You can find this page on your own site at url: <yoursite>/administrator/upload_files/

You can use the url marker above by entering the following syntax {{url|/the_bit_you_want_to_type}} It's that easy!


Student Upload CSV Template

To download, click the
filename below;
File:Student upload.csv

You can use the CSV Template download above by entering the following syntax{{CSVT|[[File:File_name.extension]]|Caption}} It's that easy!

Bootstrap Election Messages

NoSelfNomination.PNG You can use this no-self-nomination icon by entering {{no-self-nomination}} in a passage of text

Completed.PNG You can use this completed icon by entering {{completed}} in a passage of text

Open.PNG You can use this open icon by entering {{open}} in a passage of text

Pending.PNG You can use this pending icon by entering {{pending}} in a passage of text

Draft.PNG You can use this draft icon by entering {{draft}} in a passage of text

Copied.PNG You can use this copied icon by entering {{copied}} in a passage of text

Closed.PNG You can use this closed icon by entering {{closed}} in a passage of text

Cancelled.PNG You can use this cancelled icon by entering {{cancelled}} in a passage of text

Icons for use to make descriptive / instructional text easier to follow

Cog.png You can use this cog icon by entering {{cog}} in a passage of text

View.png You can use this view icon by entering {{view}} in a passage of text

Edit.png You can use this edit icon by entering {{edit}} in a passage of text

CSV.png You can use this Upload CSV icon by entering {{CSV}} in a passage of text

Filter.png You can use this filter results icon by entering {{filter}} in a passage of text

Delete.png You can use this delete icon by entering {{delete}} in a passage of text

Delete-red.png You can use this secondary delete icon by entering {{delete-red}} in a passage of text

Expand.png You can use this expand section icon by entering {{expand}} in a passage of text

Retract.png You can use this retract section icon by entering {{retract}} in a passage of text

Pencil.png You can use this edit pencil icon by entering {{pencil}} in a passage of text

Resend.png You can use this resent activation / fast track emails icon by entering {{resend}} in a passage of text

Show.png You can use this show page icon by entering {{show}} in a passage of text

Add-folder.png You can use this add folder icon by entering {{+folder}} in a passage of text

Add-usergroup.png You can use this add usergroup icon by entering {{+usergroup}} in a passage of text

Cancel.png You can use this cancel icon by entering {{cancel}} in a passage of text

Stop.png You can use this stop icon by entering {{stop}} in a passage of text

Start.png You can use this start icon by entering {{start}} in a passage of text

Variants.png You can use this change variants icon by entering {{variants}} in a passage of text

Profile.png You can use this view profile icon by entering {{profile}} in a passage of text

Copy.png You can use this copy / duplicate icon by entering {{copy}} in a passage of text

Replace.png You can use this replace icon by entering {{Replace}} in a passage of text