From UnionCloud Support
EVoting is a stub, and just part of a wider section on UnionCloud Setup, for the full UnionCloud setup index please check the page here.
An administrator can use this section to setup some of the default settings for elections. This page consists of four checkboxes:
- Select this to add RON as default candidate in all elections - Ticking this box will automatically add RON (Re-Open Nominations) as a candidate in all elections. If a voter does not think any of the nominated candidates should win the election, then they can instead vote for RON, meaning that they wish the election to be run again with different nominated candidates.
- Select this to show only eligible elections - If you tick this box, when a user logs in they will only see elections they are able to vote in, not just all current elections.
- Select this to allow spoil ballot option during evoting - Ticking this box will allow voters to spoil their ballot. In paper elections spoiling your ballot is a viable option, so this setting makes it available for online too.
- Select this to allow user to modify the vote - Ticking this box will allow voters to change their vote, which can be handy if voters have been coerced into voting for someone they didn't want to - they can easily go back and change their vote at a later time. Please be aware that this also means that voters will be able to change their vote as many times as they like before the elections closes.