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Well, I be the first to stand up and admit: Being a mom is the hardest thing I ever done. And yes, I been known to complain about teething and tantrums and feeling as though I adrift in a sea of diapers. It the hundreds of day to day struggles that rarely make it into the parenting guides.

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U Tip Extensions In the video for her 2005 single, Cool, Gwen sported locks with a hue much closer to those she was born with well, at least in those flashback scenes. In fact, the video shows her happily spending time with her beau, her curly dark tresses cascading onto her shoulders, while in later scenes, it suggests her boyfriend traded her in for another brunette when she began bleaching her hair. Come on, Gwen! (Gwen is still married to British rocker, Gavin Rossdale, so I'm assuming her prefers her as a blonde.). U Tip Extensions

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I Tip extensions Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):Rehosted Content "An article must contain significant analysis and original content not just a few links of text amongst chunks of copy and pasted material." Video links must be from the original source website, YouTube Channel, or affiliated website.If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to[M] 0 points submitted 7 days agoHi Mel_Johnson. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. I Tip extensions

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