Briefing Q2 2017
This is a specific edition of the Quarterly UC Briefing, they are all stored on the UC Briefing Archive.
Manchester Metropolitan University Students' Union will be taking the full UnionCloud package, making the most of all the essential and extra UnionCloud tools. UnionCloud can’t wait to support the Union reach out and engage with its over 30,000 potential student members.
Stephanie Taylor-Wren, Head of Marketing, Communications & Insight at Manchester Metropolitan University Students’ Union:
We made the decision to move to UnionCloud because of its impressive user interface, scalability and pace of development. We hope to achieve a step-change in our effectiveness and the quality of our members’ interactions with us through the improved use of technology and UnionCloud hit all the right notes.
Event Changes
You'll be pleased to know we're making two key changes to our events module. You'll soon be able to create your own alias names for event categories and we'll make it so you can select event widgets by category too! We’ll keep you posted on the release of these changes.