R27 Patch: 16th September 2017

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This page details the content that has been released in the patch named in the title above, if you were looking for the content from a different Sprint, or Union Cloud Release, please take a look at the Version History page to see all Sprints and Releases.


SSO Patch

Due to an issue with the way an institution was passing across the eduPersonPrincipalName value in SSO we had to update the way that we were parsing this. Previously UnionCloud took the 'Alias' part of an email address, i.e. the bit before the @ symbol, and compared it to a set of identifiers within the Student Table, however a new SSO Union are allowing duplicate alias' for their users because they differentiate them by using an identifier after the @ in an email address.

For example, most unions with users of same initial and name, let's say C. Smith would be listed in the following way;


However they were using the following method, based on the year a users course originated.


After reviewing how we parse these email addresses we have updated the UnionCloud Single Sign on process to clarify the entire email address now, rather than just the 'username' portion.

  • This issue has been resolved.


Article Filters Issue

Article Filters Issue

Issue presented when using the Filters on Articles Index, instead of returning the relevant articles it was returning an Empty Articles index.

  • This issue has been resolved.


Minor uncategorised fix